Rat Control Solutions

Termibait offers comprehensive rat control methods that are designed to ensure effective rodent elimination and long-term prevention. Our experts combine their knowledge of rat behavior with cutting-edge techniques to provide customized solutions tailored to your specific rat control needs.

Inspection and Proofing

We conduct a thorough inspection of your property to locate potential entry points and areas of rat activity. Then, we implement proofing measures to seal these entry points, preventing rats from entering your space.

Open Tray Rat Baiting

We strategically place open bait trays with rodenticides in areas of rat activity. Rats are drawn to the bait and consume it, leading to a reduction in the rat population.

TRBS Rat Baiting

Tamper-Resistant Bait Stations (TRBS) are used to securely contain rodenticides. These stations protect bait from exposure to non-target species and ensure safety, especially in sensitive environments.environments.

Rat Trapping

We deploy traps designed to capture active rats on your property and perform regular inspections and maintenance of these traps to ensure effective rat control.

Rat Monitoring

We consistently check for signs of rat activity, including droppings, gnaw marks, and nests. This ongoing monitoring enables early detection and intervention to keep rat issues at bay.

Rat Trend Analysis

Utilizing data from monitoring efforts to identify patterns in rat behavior, we refine control strategies and adapt to changing circumstances. This data-driven approach ensures more effective pest management.

Our mission is to provide a rat-free, secure, and healthy living environment. 

Reach out to Termibait today to schedule an inspection and create a tailored rat control strategy for your property.

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